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Only the most valuable and fun content for forward thinking musicians

Great News and Bad News | Jamstack

Here in Ontario Canada we’ve been in a state of emergency for the last two months which has certainly caused some challenges. Specifically it has caused our process into tooling and manufacturing to be a great deal slower than we initially forecasted. 

Jamstack's Favourite Guitar Lesson Apps

The key feature of Uberchord that sets it apart from the rest, is its advanced chord recognition abilities. Focusing on chords first is a great way for beginner players to get up and running playing songs. The real-time feedback will let you know what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong as you play.

Finding Company in Backing Tracks | Jamstack

With all that’s going on in the world, we’ve lost the ability to play music with others quite like we used to - at least for now. One way we suggest beating the quarantine blues is to explore some of the great options for backing tracks you can play along to right off your phone.